Poison Eyes

I’m in love with the poison. With slowly withering until nothing is left. Not even the eyes that everyone claims are beautiful. There is so much more to me that my pale green eyes, but that’s all the poison seems to see. My only worth is the two emeralds that sit in my skull. It’s why I’ll whither away. All people will remember is my eyes, not what I said or even who I was.


You settled my nerves.

Made me see things from a different perspective.

You have a clarity I’ll never have.

I need that now.

An answer to my many questions.

Maybe you can help me solve my problems.

A simple comment is all I need.

A statement that will change me.

I’m waiting to see what you have to say… Waiting to see if you understand my message.

Flickering Flame

It gave me a relief I never thought I’d have. I watched as it danced. Never once did it dare grow bigger. It had no need. The oxygen that filled those burning lungs was all it needed to survive. Prof simple lives can be lived, and prof that all my troubles can disappear. A new ritual, one without crimson trails. A true way to get rid of the itch. Just a flickering flame… dancing across my skin.

If you still read these

I don’t know if you even care anymore, or if you still read these, but if you do I just want to know why you lied.

Why did you tell me I was drop dead gorgeous? Was it just so you could see more of my flesh? You just gave up. That wasn’t a fair statement, you didn’t try to begin with. I get being busy, but you screamed from the rooftops if it matters you make time for it. I thought I mattered enough for your time. I can handle being wrong. I just want to know why you haven’t questioned my absence. I’ve never been good at goodbyes,but I’m even worse when they lack conclusion. Every little thing makes me think of it. The fact I can’t listen to songs anymore without hearing ur lies is killing. I just want a conclusion. I know I shouldn’t expect one, I’m drawn to the poison apple.

I wish you had been a better man… Might still be talking if you were a better man.